Pharmacy is the science and practice of discovering, producing, preparing, dispensing, and … Related jobs: Physician, pharmacy technician, toxicologist, chemist, pharmacy assist… Education required: Doctor...
Suppositories A Suppositories is a medical solid dosage form generally intended for use into the rectum vagina to a lesser extent the urethra after insertion... Disintegration time is the time required for a dosage form to break up in to granules of specified size (or smaller) under carefully specified...
Disintegration time is the time required for a dosage form to break up in to granules of specified size (or smaller) under carefully specified conditions....
PHARMACEUTICS-ll Mcq Question Bank Translate the following Latin terms in English. 1.Jantaculum (a) Before Lunch (b) After Lunch (c) Breakfast (d) After Breakfast 2.omni quarta...
PHARMACEUTICS 51. A characteristic of drugs eliminated by zero order kinetic processes is that the halflife is not constant. A. True B. False 52. The...
PHARMACEUTICS 1. Concerning oral administration disadvantages A) Drug taken orally may cause emesis & may be destroyed by gastric acidity B) Drug taken orally may...
PHARMACEUTICS 1. Reynolds number having UNIT? A. ml/min B. ml/sec C. lit/hour D. unitless 2. The technique employed to study the insoluble film at oil-water...
1) Acacia is an emulsifying agent of a class of: a) Surfactants b) Polysaccharides c) Sterol containing substance d) Finely divided solids 2) Ratio of...
PHARMACEUTICS 1. Unequal distribution of color on a tablet, refers to (a) Picking (b) Mottling (c) Capping (d) Sticking 2. Match the following and find...