Hematology MCQ’s ( Disorders of Hemoglobin ) MCQs Question bank 311 Hemoglobinopathies are disorders that affect which of the following parameters of hemoglobin ? A....
Hematology MCQ’s ( iron Deficiency and Other Hypoproliferative Anemias ) 252 Which of the following is false about hypoproliferative anemias ?A. Normocytic RBC’sB. Normochromic RBC’sC....
Hematology MCQ’s ( Disorders of granulocytes & monocytes ) 173 Which of the following is a leukocyte ?A. Natural killer (NK) cellB. B lymphocyteC. MonocyteD....
Use of Herbs and Herbal Dietary Supplements in Dentistry MCQs Question bank 1. Which complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) practice is accepted by the American...
Antibacterial and Antibiotic Drugs MCQs Question bank 1. A majority of which orofacial infections originate from odontogenic tissues? a. Osteomyelitis. b. Ludwig’s angina. c. Necrotizing...
Drugs for Medical Emergencies MCQs Question bank 1. Which is NOT an effective approach in preparing for dental emergencies? a. Patient self-medication. b. Thorough preoperative...
Procoagulant, Anticoagulant, and Thrombolytic Drugs MCQs With Answers 1. Which event of hemostasis is initiated by extracellular matrix proteins? a. Platelet adhesion. b. Formation of...
Analgesic Use for Effective Pain Control MCQs Question bank 1. Reactive depression and decreased function are most associated with which type of pain? a. Acute....
Management of Fear and Anxiety MCQs With Answers 1. Dental patients require pharmacologic management most often for which condition? a. Fear/anxiety. b. Motor dysfunction. c....
Hematology MCQ’s ( Enlargement of Lymph Nodes & Spleen ) With Answers 131 Generalized adenopathy means involvement of how many noncontiguous lymph node areas ?...
Bleeding and Thrombosis ( Hematology MCQ’s ) PDF Download 61 In the human hemostatic system, procoagulant forces include ? A. Platelet adhesion B. Platelet aggregation...
Antiseptics and Disinfectants MCQs With Answers 1. Standard precautions of infection control accomplish all EXCEPT which goal? a. Elimination of cross contamination. b. Reduction of...
Drugs for Treating Orofacial Pain Syndromes 1. Which antimigraine drug is available in a nasal spray?a. Ergotamine.b. Promethazine.c. Isometheptene.d. Dihydroergotamine. 2. Which triptan drug was...