Water and Wastewater Engineering MCQ 51 The pH value of sewage is determined with the help of(A) Imhoff Cone(B) Turbid meter(C) Potentiometer(D) None of theseAns....
Soft Computing Techniques 3160619 Chapter: 2 1. What is Fuzzy Logic?A. a method of reasoning that resembles human reasoning B. a method of question that...
Soft Computing Techniques 3160619 Chapter: 3 1 In which year, The genetic algorithm was developed by John Holland?A. 1975B. 1976C. 1985D. 1965Answer A 2 Genetic...
Advanced Construction and Equipments (2160601)-MCQ Q.51 a ______ is used to level the ground and spreads the loose material.(a) Excavator(b) Scraper(c) Grader(d) TractorAns. c Q.52...
Hydrology and water resource Engineering (3160610) MCQ 1 Isohyets are the imaginary lines joining the points of equal(A) Pressure(B) Height(C) Humidity(D) RainfallAns. D 2 As...
Advanced Construction and Equipments (2160601)-MCQ Q.1 the art of driving piles into the ground was first established by______.(a) Greeks(b) Romans(c) Philippians(d) None of the mentionedAns....
Environment Engineering MCQ WATER SUPPLY ENGINEERING 301 Sewerage system originates from______.(A) Outfall sewer(B) Main sewer(C) House sewer(D) None of the aboveAns. C 302 The type...
Environment Engineering MCQ WATER SUPPLY ENGINEERING 251 Water may not contain much impurity if its source is(A) Reservoirs(B) Stream flowing in plains(C) Lakes in lower...
Environment Engineering MCQ WATER SUPPLY ENGINEERING 201 Most satisfactory formula for an estimate of fire demand Q for a city of population P in thousands...
Environment Engineering MCQ WATER SUPPLY ENGINEERING 148 When the reduced level of the water source is higher than the reduced level of the consumer’s place,...
Environment Engineering MCQÂ 51 The pH value of sewage is determined with the help of(A) Imhoff Cone(B) Turbid meter(C) Potentiometer(D) None of theseAns. C 52...